Virtual Medical Environments Workshop

Monday was the Virtual Medical Environments Workshop by Media X at Stanford University. This event was really intriguing to me as no industry has used 3D for visualization as long as the medical industry has.

Parvati Dev with Innovation in Learning Inc and Media X at Stanford University lead the workshop that looked to, "bring together selected industry and academia representatives with experience in developing and disseminating virtual medical environments. Existing use cases will be presented and discussion will focus on opportunities and barriers. The goal will be to generate a Roadmap that presents some possible paths from the trough of disillusionment to a plateau of productivity."

The workshop had over a dozen presentations of work being done in the medical field with web3D technologies. I thoroughly enjoyed the presentations from UBC students AJung Moon's 'Nonverbal human-robot interaction and opportunities for cognitive rehabilitation in virtual worlds', and Francisco Grajale III's 'Lessons learned in the translation of trauma scenarios from haptic to 3D virtual simulators'.

I presented the virtual skeleton application and the augmented reality Bone ARm app. Thanks also to Eilif Trondsen, Strategic Business Insights, and Dan Gillette, InWorld Solutions, for organizing the workshop. See Parvati's posting to the Media X blog here. I look forward to the next event and seeing how this group can push more web3D technology into the medical industry.


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