AEC Hackathon 2.2 - Hacking in the Big D

So the AEC Hackathon just wrapped up its event in Dallas over the weekend of May 1-3. The event was held at the Tree House, a co-working space in the North Dallas area in the small town of Addison. Being a native Texan, it was great for me to be able to work with the local organizers Todd and Joe from Rogers-O'Brien, Brian from the Beck Group, and all the sponsors that made this happen.

By far they did it bigger in Texas with the amount of tech in the house. There were virtual reality headsets, augmented reality glasses, 3D printers, drones, 360° cameras, neural brain controllers, various haptic devices including Leap Motion and much more.

There were also some really impressive hacks. See the presentations from the teams in the video below.

A big thanks to the group from PolyPrinter that made this 3D printable bottle opener for the event. Make sure to visit their site and grab the 3D model file from Frank Lima’s Makerbot Thingiverse page to 3D print your own!

Thanks to everyone that came from all over the U.S. to make this happen and I can't wait for the next AEC Hackathon in the DFW area!


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