TexAR - Texas's first Augmented Reality Event

In Dallas this past March was the first ever augmented reality event in Texas. Scheduled over two days, the event looked to help Texas augmented reality enthusiasts understand the latest in AR technology and the current state of the industry.

The purpose of the Friday March 16 workshop was to introduce AR to decision makers and owners of digital content, including 3D models and geospatial data, explaining the business cases and the new ways their assets can be utilized and visualized in real time. The purpose of the Saturday March 17 workshop was to share with developers how they can use the latest tools and techniques for developing high quality AR "experiences" for their audiences.

It was a great event with a rather intimate turnout at Cohabitat, a co-working developer space in the Uptown area of Dallas. Many thanks to Christine Perey, of Perey Research & Consulting and founder/chair of the International AR Standards Community, who helped organize the event and took the lead as presenter for the Friday workshop. I appreciate her participation and those that came including the very enthusiastic group from BottleRocket Apps.

Items covered included:
Visar, by Muzar.org, is a content management system and publication platform for location based services, Layar, and QR codes. Visar4Vision is a developer tool for Layar vision. It offers easy uploading of images to be recognized by Layar Vision with all the features (audio, video, mobile page, etc.) Special thanks to the VISAR team that put together a great AR example specifically for our event!
Trak Lord presented the new Metaio Creator for non-coders that want to build AR using the Metaio platform and shared with us their 3D Augmented City project.

Vuforia is Qualcomm's new branding for its augmented reality smartphone platform. Check out the video at this link for a tutorial on how to build an AR application using Vuforia and Unity3D.

The event wouldn't have been possible if not for our sponsors and my friends at SpiralConcepts and IDEAbuilder. I always wanted to see more innovative technology make it to the Dallas / Fort Worth area, glad I could kick start it off.


Jeroen said…
Thanks for the mention, It was great being able to contribute to the workshop.

The Muzar.org / Visar team.

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