UPLOAD VR - making the SF virtual reality scene a cool one

Over the past couple years, there has been a rise in groups that focus on virtual reality here in the SF Bay area (mainly due to Oculus' success).  It used to be just the Silicon Valley and San Francisco VR Meetup groups, but now there are at least half a dozen groups, and growing, focused on some element of the VR ecosystem. Normally VR meetups are 95% men that are the usual geeks and enthusiasts. I can say this because I am one of them and attend quit a variety of VR and related events.  One such Meetup group that is doing a great job of marketing VR to a much larger audience than the usual VR developer is UPLOAD VR.

UPLOAD VR self proclamation is as, "An international VR community dedicated to accelerating the development of the virtual reality industry. We are an eclectic group of designers, developers, engineers, artists, entrepreneurs, educators, investors and innovators pioneering the future of virtual reality. We bring virtual reality to the masses through experience driven events."

I applaud the organizers Taylor, Nick, AJ, and Will for making VR cool and hip. Their events always have great demos, good music, and a diverse crowd of VR developers, content creators, and enthusiasts. Recently they have decided to take their VR event on a world tour and kicked things off last month with a UPLOAD VR Virtual Reality World Tour Kickoff held at City View on top of the Metreon.

The World Tour Kickoff was by far the best VR event I have ever attended. It easily had several hundred people there when I showed up, tons of VR demos, a DJ spinning great tunes, performance dancers, projection mapping, interactive art, and more. A majority of the hardware and software vendors big and small were present with some new VR startups showing off their wares. 

The gents are now moving the event on to other cities including New York and Austin. I highly recommend this group and its events to all that want to be cool, and not just geeky, with virtual reality. Keep uploading the VR coolness UPLOAD VR!



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