Leaping ahead with gesture recognition for VR head sets
As one sees in the video, the controller mounted to the front of the Oculus will allow immersive applications and games to track the hands and fingers.
This is a huge win for bumping up the levels of immersion for a relatively low cost. The VR mount costs $19.99, requires Leap Motion’s $80 controller, and of course a $350 Oculus Rift Developer Kit 2 (DK2) to be of any use.
There are already some VR demo applications here on their website to try out and they have an open submission for new content to registered Leap Motion developers. I anticipate the developer community will go crazy with this and make some killer gesture interfaces and experiences.
Make sure to check out the 12 FAQs About the VR Developer Mount on the company's blog and Leap Motion has also provided the 3D model of the head mount on GrabcCAD and Thingiverse for anyone to 3D print/digitally fabricate themselves.
This is a really exciting team up for virtual reality and I recommend any Oculus owner to upgrade their experience and buy the Leap Motion VR mount and controller. Well done David Holz and team, you truly are leaping us all into the future.