A Journey for Open Technology

I have embarked on a tech journey to a series of events worth sharing:

- Digital Kung-Fu 2 - 2010 Workshop at the Centre for Digital Media (Canada)
Bringing together experts and leaders from an array of sectors in digital media, this workshop offers a full day of interactive sessions to help inspire new ideas and develop them into realizable goals. Participants will be treated to insider techniques for the conceptualizing, visualizing, prototyping and pitching of ideas, as well as insights into current industry trends and technologies. This is your opportunity to get a crash course in digital martial arts!

Part of Vancouver Interactive Digital Week, Digital Kung Fu 2 is a one-day intensive professional development seminar delivered by industry experts. Kick-start, augment and accelerate your digital ideas into realizable apps, services (or products) and start-ups. Proceeds of this workshop will be put towards scholarships for students in the Masters of Digital Media program. Click here to visit the site and learn more.

- AR Dev Camp Vancouver (Canada)

AR DevCamp Vancouver will be a full day of information sessions, discussions, tutorials, and hacking opportunities in an open format, BarCamp style to which all interested people and organizations are invited. The goal of this event is to build on the momentum of the ardevcamp initiative, with a focus on technology sharing, collaboration, and the portability and integration of information across diverse platforms and AR environments. Sessions include presentations from AR companies and tutorial sessions on how to build AR apps with both Flash and X3D.

- ARE 2010 - Augmented Reality Event (USA)

Augmented Reality Event (ARE), the first global event dedicated to advancing the business of augmented reality, announced today that the inaugural event will be held at Santa Clara Convention Center, June 2-3, 2010.The activities will be kicked off by a highly anticipated keynote from the “augmented reality prophet,” world-renowned author, futurist, editor and critic, Bruce Sterling.

Start-ups, developers, mobile and hardware companies along with organizations within entertainment, media, education, healthcare, government, tourism, and many more, will gather to focus on evolving the much hyped technology into a productive, sustainable and entertaining new medium. ARE will include more than 30 sessions organized into business, technology and production tracks. The exhibition floor will showcase leading companies and products in augmented reality and will also host a career fair to help kick start the young industry. Click the image below and register.

- Research Workshop - Making Sense of Virtual Worlds and User Driven Innovation (Denmark)

The research team of the Virtual Worlds Research project at Roskilde University is excited to announce a 3-day cross disciplinary research workshop entitled ‘Making Sense of Virtual Worlds and User Driven Innovation”, June 7th-9th 2010.

We aim to bring together researchers with high-end expertise in research on virtual worlds to share distinctive theoretical and empirical analyses of virtual worlds as spaces for sense-making and as sites for user-driven innovation. We will pay special attention to creating a program and atmosphere that promotes joint explorations, interactions and exchange of ideas among invited participants.

The key challenge of the workshop is to jointly explore meaning-making, sense-making processes and user-driven innovation in and/or about virtual worlds through particular case studies of empirical field(s) such as: new market dynamics and management, (and/or) social and cultural innovation, (and/or) knowledge construction.

- W3C Workshop: Augmented Reality on the Web (Spain)

The objective of this W3C workshop Augmented Reality on the Web is to provide a single forum for researchers and technologists to discuss the intersection of AR and Web technologies, particularly as used on the mobile platform, and to explore what role standardization should play for Open Augmented Reality. The workshop is closely associated with the MobEA series, now in its eighth year.

- Web3D 2010 Conference (USA)

The annual ACM Web3D Conference is a major event which unites researchers, developers, entrepreneurs, experimenters, artists and content creators in a dynamic learning environment. Attendees share and explore methods of using, enhancing and creating new 3D Web and Multimedia technologies such as X3D, VRML, Collada, MPEG family, U3D, Java3D and other technologies. The conference also focuses on recent trends in interactive 3D graphics, information integration and usability in the wide range of Web3D applications from mobile devices to high-end immersive environments.

Fifteenth in the series, the 2010 ACM International Web3D Conference will address a wide range of topics about 3D on the World Wide Web and on Multimedia Devices. Topics include: tools, object retrieval, rendering, modeling, distributed virtual environments, exposing large-scale databases, Web-wide human-computer interaction, and innovative applications.

The Web3D 2010 Conference will present the Web3D ART Exhibition. The Web3D ART spins the boundary between art and science. The Web3D ART group will present the Web3D ART retrospective as well as the exhibition of new Virtual Storied Worlds and Poetic Spaces creations. Students, recent graduates, or those preparing to enter college are encouraged to submit work themed on poetry using interactive 3D technology.

Now in its 37th year, the SIGGRAPH conference is the premier international event on computer graphics and interactive techniques. SIGGRAPH 2010 is expected to draw an estimated 25,000 professionals from five continents to Los Angeles, California.

The SIGGRAPH conference attracts the most respected technical and creative people from all over planet Earth. The SIGGRAPH community includes people everywhere who are excited by research, science, art, animation, gaming, interactivity, education, and the web. SIGGRAPH 2010 is sponsored by The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), an educational and scientific society uniting the world's computing educators, researchers, and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources and address the field's challenges.

The SIGGRAPH conference and exhibition is a five-day interdisciplinary educational experience including a three-day commercial exhibition that attracts hundreds of exhibitors from around the world. SIGGRAPH is widely recognized as the most prestigious forum for the publication of computer graphics research. In addition to SIGGRAPH's leading-edge technical program, the conference's installations provide close-up views of the latest in digital art, emerging technologies, and hands-on opportunities for creative collaboration.


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