14th Annual Web3D Symposium '09

So right now is the 14th annual international Web3D Symposium. This is the Web3D Consortium's annual event sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH (in cooperation with EuroGraphics) held this year in Darmstadt, Germany at Fraunhofer IGD on June 15-17. This symposium celebrates a decade of innovation and interoperability through the 3D Web open standards.

The Symposium will showcase Web3D Consortium’s standard X3D, the only open, royalty-free and ISO-certified technology available today for interactive 3D graphics on the World Wide Web. Use of X3D systems has increased steadily throughout the world, delivering durable applications in industry, science, medicine, culture, entertainment and education. Indeed, worlds and scenarios authored over ten years ago still run today and are faster than ever.

X3D systems have a proven track record of protecting content and have the process in place to support projects that require their content lifetime to exceed 50 years. Because X3D is a direct evolution of Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML), there are models over a decade old that run in the newest X3D players. It is not necessary to excavate the original 3D players to run that content. The business value - the virtual world content - survived, and the investment was protected. The open nature of the Web3D languages protects the content and the rights of the business. - Web3D Consortium's website/pdf

The program for the event is here and the stream here. For those that think 3D on the web is a new thing or that there are no standards yet for the 3D Web, get the "14th annual". A great glimpse of 3D Web, mirror world, and mixed reality tech covered here. Enjoy!


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