Artificial Intelligence & Robots

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science that aims to create it.
Released during the Game Developers Conference, the now viral “Kara” concept video made by the Paris-based Quantic Dream, developers of the Heavy Rain game, is a look at the future of gaming, using full-body motion capture and a new computer-graphics engine. It is running in real time on Sony’s PlayStation 3 platform. The video is thought provoking as a robot comes to life and is quickly scared by the idea of how precious that can be.
While I have some reservations about 'smart machines' thanks to Hollywood (Terminator, Matrix), David assures me that his work aims to make sure that machines would only help, never hurt, humans. I hope to connect with David soon to see the latest advancements in his cutting-edge work.
His TED talk below is definitely worth the watch also.
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